WebFOCUS Online Help > InfoAssist > Using the InfoAssist Application Window > Selecting From the Application Main Menu

Selecting From the Application Main Menu

The Application Main Menu, which opens when you click the globe-shaped button in the top left corner of the InfoAssist window, displays buttons for commonly used functions. You can use this menu to create a new query, open an existing query, save a query, save a query with a new name, run a query, run a query in deferred mode, close InfoAssist, modify user preferences, and exit the tool.

The Application Main Menu, as shown in the following image, displays buttons labeled New, Open Database source, Open Query, Save, Save As, Run, Run Deferred, Close, Options, and Exit.

Application Main Menu in InfoAssist

Selecting Options opens the Options window, where you can change the default user preferences to customize the InfoAssist application. For more information, see Changing User Preferences.

Selecting Close will close only the currently active query. You will be prompted to save upon closing.