WebFOCUS Online Help > InfoAssist > Hierarchical Reporting in InfoAssist > Selecting Records in a Hierarchy

Selecting Records in a Hierarchy

How to:


You can select records for level hierarchies using Where statements.

If you are reporting with a parent/child hierarchy you can display specific members of a hierarchy using a When condition. In addition, you can use a Show command to specify the data to show in the report output relative to the hierarchy members selected in the When condition. If there is no When condition, the Show command is applied to the root node of the hierarchy.

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Procedure: How to Select Data in a Parent/Child Hierarchy
  1. Right-click a Hierarchy sort field and select Filter Values from the context menu.

    The Filter tool opens. The hierarchy you are working with is automatically selected. To retrieve a list of values, click the Values button on the Filter toolbar. You can only create a When expression with fields in a hierarchy. Characteristics, properties, or measures cannot be used.

  2. Create an expression.

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Procedure: How to Show a Range of Data in a Parent/Child Hierarchy
  1. Right-click a Hierarchy sort field and select Show from the context menu.

    The Show dialog box opens.

  2. In the From and To drop-down lists, select your From and/or To options. These specify the range of values in the hierarchy that you want to show in the report output.
  3. Click OK.

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Reference: SHOW Tool

Show dialog box


Select either TOP or a level number. TOP specifies that measure values for the ancestors of the selected node to the root node appear in the report.


Select either BOTTOM or a level number. BOTTOM specifies that measure values for the descendants of the selected node up to the leaf nodes of the hierarchy appear in the report.