WebFOCUS Online Help > InfoAssist > Hierarchical Reporting in InfoAssist > Summary of Reporting Rules For Multi-Dimensional Data Sources

Summary of Reporting Rules For Multi-Dimensional Data Sources


When you use InfoAssist to create a report using a multi-dimensional data source, certain reporting rules are enforced automatically. The tables below summarize these rules.

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Reference: Summary of Reporting Rules for SAP BW

When you use InfoAssist to create a report using an SAP BW data source, the following rules are enforced automatically.



Variables (also known as Parameters or Filters)

Variables cannot be displayed in a report. They can only be used in a Where statement. Note: There is one exception to this rule and that is if the variable is the only field in the request.

Single Value Variables should only be used with the EQ operator and only one literal (value) should appear in the Where statement. It is possible to use an amper variable.

Mandatory Variables require a value and must exist in the report. You can use these to create a Where statement. A warning message appears if you run the report without creating a Where statement for a mandatory variable.


Can be used in:

  • Computes.
  • Sum.

Cannot be used in:

  • By fields.
  • Defines.
  • Across fields.
  • Where statements.
  • Headings or footings.


Only one hierarchy can be used in the report. Hierarchies can be used as:

  • By field.
  • Detail fields.
  • Defines.
  • Headings and footings.

Properties (also known as Attributes)

Same rules as Hierarchy.

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Reference: Summary of Reporting Rules for Essbase

When you use InfoAssist to create a report using an Essbase data source, the following rules are enforced automatically.



Variables (also known as Parameters or Filters)

Cannot be used for an Essbase data source.


Can be used in:

  • Computes.
  • Defines.
  • Sum.
  • Headings or footings.

Cannot be used in:

  • By fields.
  • Across fields.
  • Where statements.


Only one hierarchy can be used in the report. Hierarchies can be used as:

  • By field.
  • Detail fields.
  • Defines.
  • Computes.
  • Headings and footings.

Properties (also known as Attributes)

Same rules as Hierarchy, with the exception of:

  • Defines, which cannot be used for an Essbase data source.

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Reference: Summary of Reporting Rules for Microsoft Analysis Server 2005

When you use InfoAssist to create a report using a Microsoft Analysis Server 2005 data source, the following rules are enforced automatically.



Variables (also known as Parameters or Filters)

Cannot be used for a Microsoft Analysis Server 2005 data source.


Can be used in:

  • Computes.
  • Headings or footings.
  • Sum.

Cannot be used in:

  • By fields.
  • Defines.
  • Across fields.
  • Where statements.


Only one hierarchy can be used in the report. Hierarchies can be used as:

  • By field.
  • Detail fields.
  • Defines.

Properties (also known as Attributes)

Same rules as Hierarchy.