WebFOCUS Online Help > InfoAssist > Customizing and Styling Report Queries > Creating Customized Report Outputs

Creating Customized Report Outputs

How to:

In addition to HTML, Active Report, Active Flex, PDF, Active PDF, Excel, and PowerPoint output formats, you can create the following custom report output formats.

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Procedure: How to Create Pivot Table Reports
  1. Select the Format tab in the Control Panel.
  2. Click Pivot in the Navigation group.
  3. Run the report.

Selecting Pivot generates output with pivot table features. The following image is an example of a pivot table in Excel.

Pivot table in Excel

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Procedure: How to Create OLAP Reports
  1. Select the Format tab in the Control Panel.
  2. Click the OLAP button in the Navigation group.
  3. From the OLAP group, as shown in the following image, you can select Olap panel not accessible, Olap panel accessible (default), Dimension filtering enabled, Dimensions grouped in tabs, or More options. These options are mutually exclusive meaning that only one can be selected at a time. Clicking the arrow portion of the OLAP button will display the context menu.

    OLAP options context menu

    Note: The context menu automatically goes away after you click on one of the menu options, click the arrow again, or click anywhere else on the screen. This means only one selection or action can be performed in the context menu at a time.

    Selecting OLAP panel not accessible means that only the sorting options will display in the column titles and the OCP (OLAP Control Panel) cannot be accessed from the title options.

    Selecting OLAP panel accessible (the default) allows access to the OLAP panel using the OLAP button in the output of the report. Note: Using this option versus the hidden option allows the user to better distinguish the difference between the first and second options. The hidden option is available by accessing the Navigation dialog.

    Selecting Dimension filtering enabled means that dimension filters are displayed at the top of the report. Customizing the filter placement must be done in the Navigation dialog (accessed by clicking More options…).

    Selecting Dimensions grouped in tabs means that the dimension filters are grouped into tabs based on hierarchy/within statements in the metadata.

    If you select More options, the OLAP Options dialog box opens, as shown in the following image.

    OLAP Options dialog box

    The OLAP Options dialog box allows the following additional configuration/customization options for OLAP output.

    • Selecting OLAP panel is not accessible means that only the sorting options will display in the column titles and the OCP (OLAP Control Panel) cannot be accessed from the title options.
    • Selecting OLAP panel is accessible allows access to the OLAP panel using the OLAP button in the output of the report.
    • Selecting Hide access to the OLAP panel hides access to the OLAP panel.
    • Selecting Dimension filtering enabled provides a secondary positioning option allowing placement of the filters on Top (default) or Bottom of the report. Note: If the Dimension filtering enabled option is deselected at any time, the position option resets to Top.
    • Selecting Dimensions grouped in tabs means that the dimension filters are grouped into tabs based on hierarchy/within statements in the metadata.
    • Selecting an Auto drill option, which is set to None by default, can only be changed in the OLAP Options dialog box. The dialog box has the following options for auto drill.
      • Dimensions enables automatic drill downs on dimensions in both reports and graphs.
      • Dimensions and Measures (the default), enables automatic drill downs on dimensions in both reports and graphs and, also, on measures in reports.
      • None disables automatic drill downs.
  4. Run the report.

Selecting an option from the OLAP group, such as OLAP panel is accessible, generates output that invokes OLAP processing. The following image is an example of an OLAP report. The OLAP button below the report launches the OLAP Control Panel when clicked.

Pivot (OLAP) report output

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Procedure: How to Create Table of Contents Reports
  1. Select the Format tab in the Control Panel.
  2. Click Table of Contents in the Navigation group.
  3. Run the report.

    A table of contents icon is displayed in the top left corner of the report output, as shown in the following image.

    Table of Contents icon in report output

  4. Double-click the icon to display the Table of Contents pop-up menu, which enables you to select and view individual values of the first sort (BY) field, one value at a time.

    Drag the Table of Contents pop-up menu in any direction to view the report output, which is displayed behind the menu by default. Select a sort field to view values for that field. In the following example, clicking Espresso displays the corresponding report output.

    Table of Contents report output

    You can also select options to view the entire report or remove the table of contents.

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Procedure: How to Freeze Column Titles in a Report
  1. Select the Format tab in the Control Panel.
  2. Click Freeze in the Navigation group.
  3. Run the report.

Selecting Freeze generates output with column titles that freeze (remain in view) when you scroll through pages of the report output.

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Procedure: How to Create Pages On Demand Reports
  1. Select the Format tab in the Control Panel.
  2. Click Pages On Demand in the Navigation group.
  3. Run the report.

Selecting Pages On Demand displays one page of output at a time. This option provides a menu bar at the bottom of the report output, as shown in the following image, where you can choose to view additional pages of output.

Pages on Demand menu bar

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Procedure: How to Create Accordion Reports
  1. Select the Format tab in the Control Panel.
  2. Click Accordion in the Features group.
  3. Run the report.

Selecting Accordion creates expandable views of data for each vertical sort field. This option displays data values only for the first vertical sort field when you first view the output. You can manually expand your view to expose the data values of lower-level sort fields, as shown in the following image.

Accordion report output

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Procedure: How to Implement Stacked Measures
  1. Select the Format tab in the Control Panel.
  2. Click Stack Measures in the Features group.
  3. Run the report.

    When the Stacked Measures option is enabled, all measures on the report are stacked.

    The following image shows the InfoAssist interface in Interactive Design view before the Stacked Measures button is clicked.

    Report in Interactive Design view

    The following image shows the InfoAssist interface in Interactive Design view after the Stacked Measures button is clicked.

    Interactive Design view with the Stacked Measures button of the Features group selected