WebFOCUS Online Help > InfoAssist > Introducing and Launching InfoAssist > Launching InfoAssist

Launching InfoAssist

In this section:

To access InfoAssist, log on to Dashboard and type valid Managed Reporting credentials on the Login page, which is shown in the following image.

Dashboard Login page

Sites that use integrated single logon may use the following URL to access Dashboard directly, instead of using the Dashboard Login page.




Is the name of the host where the WebFOCUS Web application is deployed. Specify the optional port number only if you are not using the default port number.


Is the site-customized context root for the WebFOCUS Web application deployed on your application server. The default value is ibi_apps.

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Launching InfoAssist in the Domain Tree

After you access Dashboard, there are multiple ways to launch InfoAssist from the Domain Tree, depending on your privileges. You can launch InfoAssist using the following methods.

The following image shows the right-click menu option for launching InfoAssist from the Standard Reports folder.

Standard Reports folder options

Note: If you create a Reporting Object with InfoAssist, the only tool available to open the Reporting Object will be InfoAssist. Power Painter, Report Assistant, Graph Assistant, and Advanced Graph Assistant will not display on the drop-down menu.

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Reference: Opening Existing Procedures

You can open existing procedures created with InfoAssist. When InfoAssist opens a query that you previously created, the query is opened using the last view that was displayed when you saved the query.

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Using the Splash Screen

When you launch InfoAssist, a splash (start-up) screen is displayed. The splash screen displays the available options, as shown in the following image.

InfoAssist splash screen

The available options are grouped into the following two sections.

Tip: You can suppress the splash screen by changing the default settings in the Options window.

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Selecting a Data Source

Selecting a data source is the first step when you create a new report or chart. When the Open dialog box appears, select the desired data source and click OK, which closes the dialog box. You can also double-click a data source to open it and close the dialog box in one step. If the desired data source is not in the default directory, select a different directory using the Look in drop-down list.

The Open dialog box is shown in the following image.

InfoAssist Open dialog box

InfoAssist also displays the Open dialog box when you save a query, select a drill-down procedure, or open a WebFOCUS StyleSheet, theme, or Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file.

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Reference: Opening a New Procedure

When you open a new procedure in InfoAssist, you are presented with the splash (start-up) screen. Selecting either Build a Report or Build a Chart displays the Open dialog box for selecting a data source. When you select a data source and click OK, the InfoAssist application window opens, as shown in the following image.

InfoAssist application window