WebFOCUS Online Help > InfoAssist > Using the InfoAssist Application Window > Using the Navigation Taskbar

Using the Navigation Taskbar

The Navigation Taskbar provides quick access to all active query output windows and to the query design that generated the output. You can return to the last query that you edited in the Query Design pane by selecting the Design View button on the taskbar. The Navigation Taskbar, as shown in the following image, is always visible in InfoAssist. It is located near the bottom of the application window, just above the Status Bar.

Navigation Taskbar

Each of the active output windows displays a tab on the Navigation Taskbar. Selecting the tab displays that output window in the Results Panel. If you save a query with a unique name each time that you modify it, when the query is executed and a new output window is generated, the unique name appears as a tab on the taskbar. If you continue to modify and execute a query without saving it with a unique name, a number in parentheses is appended to the original, saved query name in the tab on the Navigation Taskbar to differentiate between the multiple output windows.

The ability to select query output from the Navigation Taskbar depends on the output window option selected from the Status Bar or from the Output Window group of the View tab. For more information, see Using the Status Bar or Understanding the Query Output Window.

Each query tab on the Navigation Taskbar has a right-click menu with options to Restore, Minimize, Maximize, Close, Load View, and Auto Resize, as shown in the following image.

Navigation Taskbar query menu

Restore, Minimize, Maximize, and Close are standard options available in any browser window or software application. You can load the underlying query design for each output window into the Query Design pane by right-clicking any active output window tab on the taskbar and selecting Load View. The Auto Resize option enables automatic resizing of an output window as needed when you add or remove fields.

The Query View Tools pop-up menu at the far left of the Navigation Taskbar provides options for displaying all active output windows in the Results Panel. The display options that you can select are Cascade, Tile Horizontally, Tile Vertically, Minimize All, and Close All. The name of each active output window is displayed at the bottom of the pop-up menu, as shown in the following image.

Navigation Taskbar Query View Tools menu

The Query View Tools pop-up menu options are directly linked to the options available in the Output Window group of the View tab.